4th ESO English - Practical Part

click to go to the Theory section

1st Term

1.- Computer vocabulary: download this file and match the pictures with the correct concept

Note: if you just open the file it might look wrong. Download in your computer to visualize it right.

2.-  Find someone who
Download here the exercise

3.- Your first experiences with computers (homework) 
You have to handwrite about your first experiences with computers. Where have you started? With whom? Which Operating System have you used? Please describe in two pages (in paper) your first days with computers. Then you can write about your learning and how is your level now: what you can and cannot do, what you would like to learn, etc

Goal: To give the teacher some feedback about your knowledge both in English and in ICT (Information and communication technology)

Presentations with Impress 
4.- Good presentations
Example of presentation: Steve Jobs intruduces the iPad. see minute 6:30

Exemple de presentació en Drive: ordinadors del profe

view it
5.- Impress Manual
6.- Impress Questions TASK TO DELIVER TO THE TEACHER by November 14th

1) Work in the Impress Questions. Deadline Friday. Send by email to the teacher to kborras@iesjoanramis.org (problems with Moodle).
2) (if Questions finished) Go to the following link and start reading about HTML.

Start your Impress presentations with the topics we have choosen  last week.
You will have to expose them in the classroom at the beginning of december. Take advantage of this hour to work with them. I cannot give you much time during the term to work at the High School!!

Creating Websites
first part:
introduction to plain HTML webs
Learn HTML with w3schools.com
second part: 
websites with Kompozer
how to install Kompozer in Ubuntu

To upload the webpages to the server we use the FTP client Filezilla. You can use it either in Windows (from home) o Ubuntu at the classroom.

Web server to use: AwardsSpace.com
Other possible: BIZ.NF

Maybe you want to read this first to see more info:10 web servers for free
We are mostly using AwardsSpace.

Tasks to do:

Setup your own account at the server and upload your pages here.

If you cannot use it, the last option is to use the Teacher's server. First tell the teacher and then you have to download this Configuration File 
Go to Filezilla, File-Import and import the Configuration File.
Then open the  Sites Tab and Connect. Use the password "ubuntu2015".
At the remote site, on the right, go to your folder (practical name).
At the local site, browse until you find your website folder.
Drag and drop from the left (local) to the right (remote).
Test the web at the following link: http://ict-click.atwebpages.com/kico/
Change  "kico" by your practical name (lowercase).
--> send an email to the teacher with your url address

+ 1 points (if passed your Website practical)
- create your own server space, either in AwardsSpace or in any other free domain.
- upload your page and test all links/pictures
--> send an email to the teacher with your url address

Student webs course 2015-16: 

Elsa and Aina: http://ict-click.atwebpages.com/wifi/
Borja and Joan: http://ict-click.atwebpages.com/windows8/
Alejandra and Jade: http://ict-click.atwebpages.com/hardware
Helena and Maria: http://ict-click.atwebpages.com/osx/web/osx.html

2nd Term----
Blog creation
You have to create your own blog with Blogger or Wordpress.
For Blogger, just go to your email account and click here.
You will have to give the teacher the Blog url.

Sample student's blogs:
Image Editing
Graphics Software (BBC)
Gimp in Wikipedia (read spetially the part about Features)
Gimp Introduction:

Gimp introductory task: operations with a picture

Layers in Gimp:

Gimp Exercise to deliver to the teacher (Moodle)


Do you want to know more about Gimp??
Check this course!!

- seguir exercici de Gimp amb Capes
- Si acabau o si dimecres a les 9:00 no puc venir, començar a llegir document anterior per saber més de Gimp "check this course".

Audio Editing (Audacity)

Audacity manual (English)
Audacity course (Català)
Creative  Commons music for your works
See how to embed audios and videos in your webpages

Page with audio effects

Information about the video watched at the class about Audio editing (L'internauta)
Video (find it in the middle of the page. - Go to minute 35,30)

Task to do during Eastern:
Watch the videos of  "Pixar in a Box"

3rd Term----
Video editing

Program to use: kdenlive

Linux distribution with Kdenlive included:AVLinux
How to create a pendrive with this Linux distribution? Use for example LiLi USB Creator
user isotester
password avl32

AVLinux Manual

Kdenlive Video Tutorial:

video about chroma
kdenlive manual

Young Ben Affleck and Matt Damon winning their best script oscar
Good Will Hunting trailler

How to write a Screenplay: script writing example and tips
Movie scripts and screenplays
Script sample: Avatar

Guiones en Español

Video Editing
Samples of videos of previous years:
Discovering Menorca
Camí de Cavalls
The 16 songs tag 

Son Ferrer:
Un rollo? Qué te cagas (teacher only)


Private videos, to be shown in class by the teacher:
European Sections1
European Sections2

What to do in Menorca videos

Adding subtitles to your videos: a tool to do it online and very easy

Meet amara:

How to subtitle with Amara:

Students videos course 2016-17:
Harry and Ferran
Francesc and Lucas
Sergi and Yeray
Natalia, Sara i Maria
Lluís - teletransporter not available online

Extra topic:
Intro to Google Spreadsheets
  • Sample1: invoice
  • Sample2: domestic savings
teacher solution

  • Sample3: currency calculator
Spreadsheets task

Download solution 1 
Download solution 2 

Create a Blog about the topic you like.
Deadline: June 1st. Please start in Eastern that you will have some time
Until 1 point extra for the 3rd Term
Link to create it

Listen and explain the part "Joan Jofre t'ho resol" from l'Internauta
Pick any chapter you like and explain it in the classroom for 3-5 minutes.
Until 0,5 points extra for the 3rd Term.
See possible videos
Forward them to minute 30-35 and you will see the section we are interested in.

Programming introduction
