
Showing posts from 2015

GDG al Ramis - resum de les ponències

Diccionari Anglès / Català per en Joan Jofre

Visita d'en James Kokelbergh, de 3 WEBD: com fer un bon pressupost

Qué es el Betabeers Menorca

Webs where to find freelance ICT jobs

How a Spaniard took a supermoon photo that caught the eye of NASA

Online media reinvents itself with a new universal and open format - from El Pais in English

Steve Wozniak refutes Apple’s creation story: ‘The garage is a bit of a myth’

Presentation: my experience studying and working with ICT

Book Review: The innovators: how a group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks created the digital revolution

Lenguaje SL: a good way to learn programming

Richard Stallman video

Gimp vocabulary exercise

Basic computer vocabulary exercice